How Much Money Can You Make From This Trade Exchange Business?
How To Make $1.25 Million Per Month or $15 Million Per Year As an AFFILIATE
How To Make $2.5 Million Per Month or $30 Million Per Year as a STARTUP Trade Exchange Business Licensee
How To Make $7.5 Million Per Month or $90 Million Per Year as a GLOBAL BUSINESS Licensee
How To Make $15 Million Per Month or $180 Million Per Year as a Global Investor 1
How To Make $30 Million Per Month pr $360 Million Per Year as a Global Investor 2
How To Make $125 Million Per Month or $1.5 Billion Per Year as a Global Investor 3
How Do You Make $750,000 Per Month as a Licensing Executive From the Above Model?
From This Trade Exchange Business?
Licenses | # of Members | Revenue Streams | Total Income For 12 Months | ||
Admin Fees ($50/member X 12 months) | Transaction Fees | ||||
Sales * | Purchases ** | ||||
Affiliate | 10,000 | $6 million | $6 million | $3 million | $15 million |
Start-Up | 20,000 | $12 million | $12 million | $6 million | $30 million |
Global Business | 60,000 | $36 million | $36 million | $18 million | $90 million |
Global Investor 1 | 120,000 | $72 million | $72 million | $36 million | $180 million |
Global Investor 2 | 240,000 | $144 million | $144 million | $72 million | $360 million |
Global Investor 3 | 1 MILLION | $600 million | $600 million | $300 million | $1.5 billion |
The monthly admin fee is $50 per member (if the member’s sales and purchases are not up to $10,000 in a month).
TRANSACTION FEE is 5% of every sales transaction consummated and 2.5% of every purchase via the exchange.
The average annual sales transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in sales).
The average annual purchase transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in sales).
Thus, a $15 million in income would translate into exactly $1.25 million per month for your trade exchange business.
You have only 10,000 members in your trade exchange.
The income will definitely be more with more members in your trade exchange.
Each member made average annual sales of $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
Each member made average annual purchases of $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
As you can see from the above analysis of the income model of a typical trade exchange business using our unique model, a trade exchange business owned by one of our AFFILIATE licensees could be making as much as $1.25 million every month as soon as it is set up and launched.
If you have 10,000 registered members in your own TRADE EXCHANGE BUSINESS, with each member doing average annual sales and purchases of $24,000 combined, the 2.5% transaction fees on their purchases from your Trade Exchange and 5% fees on their sales to your Trade Exchange will give you an income of $9 million.
On top of this, if each of the 10,000 members pays $50 admin fees per month for 12 months, that should give you $6 million in net income.
The combined revenue from monthly admin fees of $6 million and transaction fees of $9 million with a membership base of 10,000 would give you $15 million income per year from your trade exchange business.
This $15 million per year translates to a $1.25 million monthly income business for YOU.
TRANSACTION FEE is 5% of every sales transaction consummated and 2.5% of every purchase via the exchange.
The average annual sales transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in sales).
The average annual purchase transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in purchases).
Thus, a $15 million in income would translate into exactly $1.25 million per month for your trade exchange business.
You have only 20,000 members in your trade exchange.
The income would definitely be more with more members in your trade exchange.
Each member made average annual sales of $12 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
Each member made an average annual purchase of $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
As you can see from the above analysis of the income model of a typical trade exchange business using our unique model, a trade exchange business owned by one of our licensees could be making as much as $2.5 million every month as soon as it has been set up and launched.
If you have 20,000 registered members in your own TRADE EXCHANGE BUSINESS with each member doing an average annual sales and purchases of $24,000 combined, then the 2.5% transaction fees on their purchases from your Trade Exchange and 5% fees on their sales to your Trade Exchange would give you an income of $18 million.
On top of this, if each of the 20,000 members pays $50 admin fees per month for 12 months, that should give you $12 million in net income.
The combined revenue from monthly admin fees of $12 million and transaction fees of $18 million with a membership base of 20,000 would give you $30 million income per year from your trade exchange business.
This $30 million per year translates to a $2.5 million per month Income Business for YOU.
How to make
TRANSACTION FEE is 5% of every sales transaction consummated and 2.5% of every purchase via the exchange.
The average annual sales transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in sales).
The average annual purchase transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in purchases).
Thus, a $90 million income would translate into exactly $7.5 million per month for your trade exchange business.
You have only 60,000 members in your trade exchange.
The income would definitely be more with more members in your trade exchange.
Each member made average annual sales of $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
Each member made an average annual purchase of $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
As you can see from the above analysis of the income model of a typical trade exchange business using our unique model, a trade exchange business owned by one of our licensees could be making as much as $7.5 million every month as soon as it has been set up and launched.
If you have 60,000 registered members in your own TRADE EXCHANGE BUSINESS with each member doing an average annual sales and purchases of $24,000 combined, the 2.5% transaction fees on their purchases from your Trade Exchange and 5% fees on their sales to your Trade Exchange will give you an income of $54 million.
On top of this, if each of the 60,000 members pays $50 admin fees per month for 12 months, that should give you $36 million in net income.
The combined revenue from monthly admin fees of $136 million and transaction fees of $54 million with a membership base of 60,000 would give you $90 million income per year from your trade exchange business.
This $90 million per year translates to a $7.5 million per month Income Business for YOU.
How to make
TRANSACTION FEE is 5% of every sales transaction consummated and 2.5% of every purchase via the exchange.
The average annual sales transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in sales).
The average annual purchase transaction volume per member is $12,000(equivalent to $1,000 per month in purchases).
Thus, $180 million in income would translate into exactly $15 million per month for your trade exchange business.
You have only 120,000 members in your trade exchange.
The income would definitely be more with more members in your trade exchange.
Each member made average annual sales of $12 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
Each member made average annual purchases of $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month)
As you can see from the above analysis of the income model of a typical trade exchange business using our unique model, a trade exchange business owned by one of our licensees could be making as much as $2.5 million every month as soon as it has been set up and launched.
If you have 120,000 registered members in your own TRADE EXCHANGE BUSINESS with each member doing an average annual sales and purchases of $24,000 combined, then the 2.5% transaction fees on their purchases from your Trade Exchange and 5% fees on their sales to your Trade Exchange would give you an income of $108 million…
On top of this, if each of the 120,000 members pays $50 admin fees per month for 12 months, that should give you $72 million in net income.
The combined revenue from monthly admin fees of $72 million and transaction fees of $108 million with a membership base of 120,000 would give you $180 million in income per year from your trade exchange business.
This $180 million per year translates to a $15 million per month income Business for YOU.
How to make
The monthly admin fee is $50 per member (if the member’s sales and purchases are not up to $10,000 in a month).
TRANSACTION FEE is 5% of every sales transaction consummated and 2.5% of every purchase via the exchange.
The average annual sales transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in sales).
The average annual purchase transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in purchases).
Thus, $360 million income would translate into exactly $30 million per month for your trade exchange business.
A. You have only 240,000 members in your trade exchange.
B. The income would definitely be more with more members in your trade exchange.
C. Each member made average annual sales of $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
D. Each member made an average annual purchase of $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
As you can see from the above analysis of the income model of a typical trade exchange business using our unique model, a trade exchange business owned by one of our licensees could be making as much as $30 million every month as soon as it’s set up and launched.
If you have 240,000 registered members in your own TRADE EXCHANGE BUSINESS with each member doing an average annual sales and purchases of $24,000 combined, the 2.5% transaction fees on their purchases from your Trade Exchange and 5% fees on their sales to your Trade Exchange will give you an income of $216 million.
On top of this, if each of the 240,000 members pays $50 admin fees per month for 12 months, that should give you $144 million in net income.
The combined revenue from monthly admin fees of $144 million and transaction fees of $216 million with a membership base of 240,000 would give you $360 million in income per year from your trade exchange business.
This $360 million per year translates to a $30 million per month income business for YOU.
How to make
The monthly admin fee is $50/member (if the member’s sales and purchases are not up to $10,000 in a month).
TRANSACTION FEE is 5% of every sales transaction consummated and 2.5% of every purchase via the exchange.
The average annual sales transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in sales).
The average annual purchase transaction volume per member is $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month in purchases).
Thus, $1.5 billion income would translate into exactly $125 million per month for your trade exchange business.
You have only 1,000,000 members in your trade exchange.
B. The income would definitely be more with more members in your trade exchange.
C. Each member made average annual sales of $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
D. Each member made an average annual purchase of $12,000 (equivalent to $1,000 per month).
As you can see from the above analysis of the income model of a typical trade exchange business using our unique model, a trade exchange business owned by one of our licensees could be making as much as $125 million every month as soon as it has been set up and launched.
If you have 1,000,000 registered members in your own TRADE EXCHANGE BUSINESS with each member doing an average annual sales and purchases of $24,000 combined, the 2.5% transaction fees on their purchases from your Trade Exchange and 5% fees on their sales to your Trade Exchange will give you an income of $900 million.
On top of this, if each of the 1,000,000 members pays $50 admin fees per month for 12 months, that should give you $600 million in net income.
The combined revenue from monthly admin fees of $600 million and transaction fees of $900 million with a membership base of 1,000,000 would give you $1.5 billion income per year from your trade exchange business.
This $1.5 billion per year translates to a $125 million per month income business for YOU.
How to make
Your role as a licensing executive is to simply refer an investor to invest in a Trade Exchange business license.
Assume that you have referred just one investor to invest in Trade Exchange as a STARTUP licensee. As soon as their business is fully set up and launched, they could be making at least $2.5 million per month.
The STARTUP licensee is entitled to 50% of the revenue generated from his business, while the World Trade Exchange gets 50%.
You are entitled to a 60% share of OUR SHARE of their business’s revenue as a licensing EXECUTIVE 3 licensee.
Our share of the revenue is 50% of $2.5 million, equal to $1.25 million.
60% of $1.25 million is equal to $750,000.
Based on your 60% share of our share of their revenue, you would be entitled to getting as much as $750,000 per month from their business earnings.
For as long as their business exists and continues to generate up to $2.5 million per month, you would continue to earn $750,000 per month from their business. The higher the income generated from your licensees’ business, the higher your share of the income. The more licensees you refer, the higher your monthly income from all your licensees’ businesses.
This is how to create a $750,000 + monthly income in the next 30 days as a licensing executive… starting with just couch cushion money and no pre-existing customers, products, or notoriety of any kind…
You Can Start your own
I look forward to hearing from you and receiving your application form to enable us to set up your trade exchange business.